Friday, 11 May 2012

unBOUnded MEdiA~~

hallo guys!!! it such a gud day of weekend right??HAPPY SATURDAY~~ XD Actually in this post i have much more thing to write about but hhhmmmmm we will see it..hehehehe...ok back to our topics about UNBOUNDED MEDIA.. do u know anything about it?? do u know the actual work this media work for?? im not really sure bout all of that before but by guided of my lect DR DAYANG, my eyes can see it clearly. she show me what had happen actually towards the data that we all send to our family, friend and teachers.its happen everyday in our life but we did not discover bout it..know lets learn bout it!! YEAHH!! XD (so happy in the early morning..(=.="))

UNBONDED MEDIA???? is a media which transport electromagnetic wave via air (vacumm) or water so enybody can receive it by a capable device.. got it???for example the ocean, atmosphere and space.. got it?? hope so...=) This media signal transmit in one direction through anthenna located at a high place such as tower and hills. the taller the anthenna, then longer the sight distance... There are 2 types of anthenna which is.....

HORN ANTHENNA...deflect outward in a series of narrow parallel beam...

PARABOLIC DISH... work like a funnel...

next is a SATELLITE... it has a same principle as terestrial microwave.. means transmit data through air..satellite has a high quality and same speed as earth.. let me show u how satellite looks a like..

this is one of the satellite at outer fantastics..1 of human made that make me amaze all the time...=)

there so much more to write about and share but i think maybe next time...dunno why im feel uncomfortable about see u later bebehh!! XD