okey..this week we learn about internet infrastructure..but before we proceed to them, i like to tell u all that the test is AWESOME!!! hehehe...(saje je nk bg gempakk) okey guys enough for the test..thats all..HAHA!!
the MOST IMPORTANT in internet infrastructure is:----> from single computer to LAN
----> LAN to ISP
----> ISP to WWW
haaa!! see this pics 1st and imagine it ok!! THE HIERACHY OF NETWORK~~ XD
what exactly INTERNET PROTOCOL??
actually it is a INTERNET STANDARD PROTOCOL... provides a common layer over dissimilar networks, used to move packets among host computers and through gateways if necessary. the IP address is unique and consist 32 bits=4 octets=0-225 of number either in binary form or decimal..feel dizzy???a lot of knowledge i like to share so hold on ur dizzyness..HAHA!!
this IP has 2 part which is for identifying network and the other one is to identify the node (all nodes share same network prefix but must have a unique host number). there are 4 classes of the address which is class A, B, C, D and E... take a look at the pic below::
hhmmm!! can u imagine how does it work?? (@_@)
ok2..i will explain little bit bout it ok...
-the binary address start with 0-
-decimal number is from 1to126-
-decimal number is from 1to126-
1st 8 bits identify the network while the remains is to identify the host-
-the binary address start with 10-
-the decimal number is from 128 to 191-
-127 is for loopback and internal testing-
-1st 16 bits identify the network while the remaining identify the host-
-the binary address start with 110-
-the decimal number is from 192 to 223-
-1st 24 bits identify the network-
-the binary address start with 1110-
-the decimal number is from 224 to 239-
-to support multicasting-
-the binary address start with 1111-
-the decimal number is from 240 to 255-
-for experimentation-
er.... i think i like to stop here n continue with http and isp soon..hope u enjoy read my summary on dis chapter..
actually this week is a light chapter we learn and luckily we got dr Dayang as our lecturer...
in this chapter i see more clearly about the infrastructure that i never known before..
haiyaaaa~~got to go..
*this is the second post from me..i post the same before but dun know why it is not shown on my blog...
sorry for the disturbance dr...
hope u understand and not deduct my mark..!! heheheheh XD
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