Sunday, 3 June 2012


okey..this week we learn about internet infrastructure..but before we proceed to them, i like to tell u all that the test is AWESOME!!! hehehe...(saje je nk bg gempakk) okey guys enough for the test..thats all..HAHA!!

the MOST IMPORTANT in internet infrastructure is:----> from single computer to LAN
                                                                                ----> LAN to ISP
                                                                                ----> ISP to WWW
haaa!! see this pics 1st and imagine it ok!! THE HIERACHY OF NETWORK~~ XD

what exactly INTERNET PROTOCOL??
actually it is a INTERNET STANDARD PROTOCOL... provides a common layer over dissimilar networks, used to move packets among host computers and through gateways if necessary. the IP address is unique and consist 32 bits=4 octets=0-225 of number either in binary form or decimal..feel dizzy???a lot of knowledge i like to share so hold on ur dizzyness..HAHA!!
this IP has 2 part which is for identifying network and the other one is to identify the node (all nodes share same network prefix but must have a unique host number). there are 4 classes of the address which is class A, B, C, D and E... take a look at the pic below::
hhmmm!! can u imagine how does it work?? (@_@)

ok2..i will explain little bit bout it ok... 


-the binary address start with 0-
-decimal number is from 1to126-
1st 8 bits identify the network while the remains is to identify the host-


-the binary address start with 10-
-the decimal number is from 128 to 191-
-127 is for loopback and internal testing-
-1st 16 bits identify the network while the remaining identify the host-


-the binary address start with 110-
-the decimal number is from 192 to 223-
-1st 24 bits identify the network-


-the binary address start with 1110-
-the decimal number is from 224 to 239-
-to support multicasting-


-the binary address start with 1111-
-the decimal number is from 240 to 255-
-for experimentation-

er.... i think i like to stop here n continue with http and isp soon..hope u enjoy read my summary on dis chapter..
actually this week is a light chapter we learn and luckily we got dr Dayang as our lecturer...
in this chapter i see more clearly about the infrastructure that i never known before..
haiyaaaa~~got to go..
*this is the second post from me..i post the same before but dun know why it is not shown on my blog...
sorry for the disturbance dr...
hope u understand and not deduct my mark..!! heheheheh  XD


Saturday, 12 May 2012

worK in HEAdache....=(

i've got headache sorry 4 the simple post ok...not lazy to  make it more enjoyable but im feel like my head is turn around 4 a thousand time...haiiyyaaaaa~~ (@_@) so lets straight to the point k...

Fairly recently the IEEE 802.11 standard became more popular as it suites mobile computing devices really well. The IEEE 802.11 standard is another term for WiFi essentially is wireless networking. This standard allows two computers that have wireless NICs to communicate with one another with no strings (wires) attached. This standard makes use of radio waves that are transmitted through the air to communicate. Speeds of either 54 Mbps or 108 Mbps are supported but higher speeds are in the pipeline.

IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers).
The IEEE describes itself as "the world's largest technical professional society; promoting the development and application of electro technology and allied sciences for the benefit of humanity, the advancement of the profession, and the well-being of our members." One of the technologies they have developed is known as Ethernet 802 standard which governs local area networks (wired LANs). Ethernet governs the way in which Data Communications are done across the spectrum.

Difference Between 3G And 4G

4G speeds are meant to exceed that of 3G. Current 3G speeds are topped out at 14Mbps downlink and 5.8Mbps uplink. To be able to qualify as a 4G technology, speeds of up to 100Mbps must be reached for a moving user and 1Gbps for a stationary user. So far, these speeds are only reachable with wired LANs.

1. 3G stands for 3rd generation while 4G stands for 4th generation
2. 3G technologies are in widespread use while 4G compliant technologies are still in the horizon
3. 4G speeds are much faster compared to 3G
4. 3G is a mix of circuit and packet switching network while 4G is only a packet switching network

Cellular phone
is a device that can make and receive telephone calls over a radio link whilst moving around a wide geographic area. It does so by connecting to a cellular network provided by a mobile phone operator, allowing access to the public telephone network. By contrast, a cordless telephone is used only within the short range of a single, private base station.
In addition to telephony, modern mobile phones also support a wide variety of other services such as text messaging, MMS, email, Internet access, short-range wireless communications (infrared, Bluetooth), business applications, gaming and photography. Mobile phones that offer these and more general computing capabilities are referred to as smartphones. 

so simple right???hhmmmm...dun really like this kind of post but sorry i cannot help mith my worse condition...huhuhuhu...(T.T)


the title of this topics looks like a movie title..hahahaha..its early in the morning GOOD MORNING!!!what a fresh morning....ermmm its a heavy rain outside my house and im keep on writing this and that just to ignore what had scarryyyy ok 2 see a heavy rain..huhuh..(-.-') But to make it more enjoyable i had listen one of my fave songs..just to feel sentimental in the morning..what the heckk!!! hahahahahaha...

just like to share this song..what a fresh morning...(^.^)V

so in this post, i think i want to write about RADIO FREQUENCY...did u know anything bout it??i have heard bout it before but not really sure about what is it is a rate of oscillation in the range about 3kHz to 300GHz which corresponds to the frequency of radio wave and the alternating currents which carry radio signals... radio frequency usually refer to ascillation inside the circuit or electromagnetic rays... its a high freuency vacillating (AC) that move straight from aluminium conductor and then it will be radite on air by does it work??? anthenna change the signal cable to wireless signal and vice versa... when signal AC high frequency radiate on the air, it will form a radiowave. this radiowave will far from its source (anthenna) in one straight line.. to make it clear imagine u throw a stone in a calm pool..then it would form a ripple which the ripple come from one direction..the middle of the ripple is anthenna and the direction of the ripple form is the u can see it clear??hope so...huhuhuu..=)

 i think i want to stop here..then i will continue our topic topic is CELLUARPHONE....dont miss it ok!!! HAPPY SUNDAY EVERYBODY!! XD

Friday, 11 May 2012

unBOUnded MEdiA~~

hallo guys!!! it such a gud day of weekend right??HAPPY SATURDAY~~ XD Actually in this post i have much more thing to write about but hhhmmmmm we will see it..hehehehe...ok back to our topics about UNBOUNDED MEDIA.. do u know anything about it?? do u know the actual work this media work for?? im not really sure bout all of that before but by guided of my lect DR DAYANG, my eyes can see it clearly. she show me what had happen actually towards the data that we all send to our family, friend and teachers.its happen everyday in our life but we did not discover bout it..know lets learn bout it!! YEAHH!! XD (so happy in the early morning..(=.="))

UNBONDED MEDIA???? is a media which transport electromagnetic wave via air (vacumm) or water so enybody can receive it by a capable device.. got it???for example the ocean, atmosphere and space.. got it?? hope so...=) This media signal transmit in one direction through anthenna located at a high place such as tower and hills. the taller the anthenna, then longer the sight distance... There are 2 types of anthenna which is.....

HORN ANTHENNA...deflect outward in a series of narrow parallel beam...

PARABOLIC DISH... work like a funnel...

next is a SATELLITE... it has a same principle as terestrial microwave.. means transmit data through air..satellite has a high quality and same speed as earth.. let me show u how satellite looks a like..

this is one of the satellite at outer fantastics..1 of human made that make me amaze all the time...=)

there so much more to write about and share but i think maybe next time...dunno why im feel uncomfortable about see u later bebehh!! XD

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

letS Play witH CablinGGGG..!!!!! XD

im back!!! my life little bit bz lately coz of......... of work la..hahha..but still ok 2 update this blog of knowledge..cewahhhh~~ ahhahha..back 2 the happy story.. in this post i like to share about cabling..u know bout it??if u know then gud...if u dun know..keep on read this ok!! gud person u are..hahahah..=P more play2...lets start our lesson...CABLE actually is a medium where an information pass through from one network device to another.. like a highway in our daily life la..cable consist of UNSHIELDED TWISTED PAIR (UTP), SHIELDED TWISTED PAIR (STP), COAXIAL CABLE, FIBRE OPTIC, AND WIRELESS LAN's...the signal for UTP, STP and Coaxial is a current while fibre optic and wireless is light such as infra red.. got it???hope u can understand....=)

let me explain little bit bout UTP and STP that has a twisted wire.. actually the purpose of a twist is to help eliminate interference from adjacent pairs and other electrical device.. if we do not use this twist then the distruption will be more then usual..heheheeh... standard connector for this cable is RJ-45 connector. can't imagine bout it???dun wory i have put a pics of it...=)

haaaa....!!! now u know this name is RJ-45 right??hahahaha...XD

STP is quiet same as UTP but 2 individual wires in in is wrapped with a foil sheilding to help provided more reliable data communication.. for ur information STP was more good then UTP bcause it suitable for environment with electrical interference.. means STP is lesser interference then UTP.. 

lets talk about COAXIAL CABLE...........

why when i see this i think about cigerette????don't u think it look same too??huhuhuhuhu..(=.=")

this cable has a single copper conductor at its centre..a plastic layer provide insulation between the centre conductor and the metal shield help to block any outside interference.. connector for this cable is BAYONE-NEILL-CONCELMAN (BNC) connector (can't this name be more longer???)  thats all bout coaxial cable..simple?? sometime simple thing is enough..heheeheheh..(^.^)V

turn for FIBRE OPTICS..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hehehehe..this cable is better then UTP and STP...wowww..!! how come it be like that???we will see.........

 its transmit light rather than electronic signals and eliminating the problem of electrical interference.. fibre optic suitable for environment that contain large amount of electrical interference.. its also able to transmit signals over much longer distances.. i also wonder how human can create this type of intelligent, creative and innovative.. incredible..!!! awesome..!!

don't u think its beautiful???? i think so...hehehe..=)

Tuesday, 10 April 2012


its mid term break for dis semester..lots of things happen in my daily life..i went to PD enjoy my holy so much..1st time naek VIPER DRIFT..mak aiii such a cooooollllll fun, adventure and speechless...try it if u dare..hahahaaha..then meet my old fren..we talk, laugh and gossippingg of course..hahaha..neva mind but still a lot of work to prepared 4 next mid n study n study..hahaha..=)

Monday, 2 April 2012


ape yg nk direpekkn kt sini sambil mkn kerepek ye???hahaha..x de mende pn...saje je nk merapu kat blog nih..da mcm rojak da blog aq nih...becampur-campur..klau aq blaja bahasa asing mmg dan dan la aq letak sume bahasa..baru la 1world..hahahaha...actually ni selingan je sebelom aq mula semula penulisan ilmiah aq tu..cewahh!! hehehee..ade gak la gaya prof aq ni kan...wakakakaka..!!pape pon korg enjoy la baca blog aq yg x seberapa nih..almaklum la x reti sangat bab bab IT nih..ok to go...see u soon ok..daaaa..=)

the SEquel OF the PreviOUS ChapTER...

this is the sequel of the previous chapter..sorry for this late..lot of things and works to do..huhuuhuh..but never mind..i enjoy my busy life now...HAHAHAHA..ok ok..lets start our lesson today ok..where do we stop???OH!! the STAR-WIRED..hehehe..forgot a almost same as star topology.. but the differences between them is the multistation access unit of star-wired ring contain wire that allow an information pass to another circle..can't imagine??lets see those pictures below...

can you see what this picture try to explain???hope you can understand it..

haaaa...!!! now you can clear about star-wired tropology right??hehehe..

ok is TREE TROPOLOGY..what exactly this pattern look a like huhh??hhmm...actually tree tropology is a combination of linear bus and star tropology...its consist of star configured workstation and the linear bus backbone make you clear about it let see the pictures below...

 haaaa!! can you all see the imagination of the tree??clear right??hahaha..

this picture allow you to see more PC's can be connected through tree tropology...

ok finish of our lesson today...not yet ar???haiyaaa..ok ok..lets continue....but later ok..hahahaha..(^_^)V

Thursday, 29 March 2012

here I coMe With netWORK TropolOGY

early in the morning.. i just wake up and open up my laptop.. then GHOSH!!!! HOW COME IM FORGOT TO UPDATE MY BLOG!!! ARGGHHH!!! so im straight open  my notes and studying... and this is some knowledge i want to share with all of u as a result of my last minute study..HAHAHHA... lets tropology actually a study of network element arrangementor mapping especially for the physical and logical interconnection between nodes.. to describe what is PHYSICAL and LOGICAL TOPOLOGY???? just wait the sequel of this chapter..hehehehe... but i like to explain the type of physical topology.. 1st is BUS LINEAR.. generally, bus linear consist of main run cable with terminator at each end.. all nodes connected to the linear cable.. to make it clear see a picture below...

haaa..!!! can imagine how does it work???cannot???hahaha..its ok..we discuss bout it later... 2nd is STAR TROPOLOGY.. as like its name, so each node is connected with the central of the network like this...


this configuration is common with twisted pair cable. but it also can be used with coaxial cable or fibre optics cable.. ow does all of thie work???we talk about it later as im running out of time for 'KEM DAYANG'... so it willl be continued..dun worry ok...hehehhe...(^_^)V

Monday, 26 March 2012


even da sehari kt johor still lagi ingat moment2 kat perlis ngan dak2 olahraga yg laen...sronok wooo..!!! mmg pengalaman yg terbaek skali stakat ni..berentap ngan atlet2 elit yg aq gemar mmg perkara yg enjoy..blaja ngan dorg..ngan geng yg gila2..hahahha..happy moment with all of them yg x mgkin dilupakan..hope kite bley lg ade moment mcm ni besama..luv u guys..=) (saje je nk post ni kt sini..x de la korg boring asyik baca info fakta je..tapi ni pun fakta jugak..hehehe..enjoy read my blog ye..pape yang menyeronokkan insyaAllah akan di post lg...sweet day for all of u...) (^_^)V

IntrODuctioN to NETworKING..!!!

now i want to share about networking.. actually on a 1st time i dont really like about this topics.. maybe because i really not know about network deeply.. so during this lesson i paid more attention towards dr Dayang and she sucessfully explain about this chapter.. so impress to know about the type of networks which is Local-Area Network (LAN), Wide-Area Network (WAN) and Metropolitan-Area Network (MAN). although these kind of network seems to be same but they are differently in connected area. LAN confined to a relatively small area while WAN connect larger geographic areas. means LAN is suitable for home and WAN for areas such as Johor Bharu or the world. that is amazing things know about our daily application... ermmm..have another things to do..sorry for this loading be continued...!!! =)

Thursday, 15 March 2012

its all about data communication..~~

Data Communications
Data Communications is the transfer of data or information between a source and a receiver. The source transmits the data and the receiver receives it. The actual generation of the information is not part of Data Communications nor is the resulting action of the information at the receiver. Data Communication is interested in the transfer of data, the method of transfer and the preservation of the data during the transfer process.
MoDem (types of signal)
Modem, device that converts between analog and digital signals. Digital signals, which are used by computers, are made up of separate units, usually represented by a series of 1's and 0's. Analog signals vary continuously; an example of an analog signal is a sound wave.
Modems are often used to enable computers to communicate with each other across telephone lines. A modem converts the digital signals of the sending computer to analog signals that can be transmitted through telephone lines. When the signal reaches its destination, another modem reconstructs the original digital signal, which is processed by the receiving computer.
To convert a digital signal to an analog one, the modem generates a carrier wave and modulates it according to the digital signal. The process of receiving the analog signal and converting it back to a digital signal is called demodulation. The word "modem" is a contraction of its two basic functions: modulation and demodulation.
Amplitude, period, frequency

Amplitude (A): how high the peaks are or how low the troughs are, in meters.
The displacement is how far the wave vibrates / oscillates about its equilibrium (center) position.
Amplitude is correlated with the total energy of the system in periodic motion. Larger amplitude = greater energy.
Period (T): the time it takes for one cycle, in seconds.
Frequency (f): the rate, or how many cycles per second, in Hertz (cycles per second). 

Data transmissions
The physical connection determines how many bits (1's or 0's) can be transmitted at a single instance of time. If only 1 bit of information can be transmitted over the data transmission medium at a time then it is considered a Serial Communication.

If more than 1 bit of information is transmitted over the data transmission medium at a time then it is considered a Parallel Communication. 

Data Flow
Data flow is the flow of data between 2 points. The direction of the data flow can be described as:
Simplex: data flows in only one direction on the data communication line (medium). Examples are Radio and Television broadcasts. They go from the TV station to your home television.

Half-Duplex: data flows in both directions but only one direction at a time on the data communication line. Ex. Conversation on walkie-talkies is a half-duplex data flow. Each person takes turns talking. If both talk at once - nothing occurs!

Full-Duplex: data flows in both directions simultaneously. Modems are configured to flow data in both directions. 

Modes of Transmitting Data
  • Asynchronous Transmission sends only 1 character at a time. A character being a letter of the alphabet or number or control character. Preceding each character is a Start bit and ending each character is 1 or more Stop bits. For example: for every byte of data, add 1 Start Bit and 2 Stop Bits. 11 bits are required to send 8 bits! Asynchronous is used in slow transfer rates typically up to 56 kbps.
  • Synchronous Transmission sends packets of characters at a time. Each packet is preceded by a Start Frame which is used to tell the receiving station that a new packet of characters is arriving and to synchronize the receiving station's internal clock. The packets also have End Frames to indicate the end of the packet. The packet can contain up to 64,000 bits. Both Start and End Frames have a special bit sequence that the receiving station recognizes to indicate the start and end of a packet. The Start and End frames may be only 2 bytes each

Multiplexing is the transmission of multiple data communication sessions over a common wire or medium. Multiplexing reduces the number of wires or cable required to connect multiple sessions. A session is considered to be data communication between two devices: computer to computer, terminal to computer,

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

more knowledge want to share..=)

now this time i would like to share about WEB SERCHING.. i highlight that word because.... because just for fun only.. hahaha.. actually what im understand about this word is how we gonna search anything by using internet.. but this time im learn more deep about web searching include web browser and search engine.. actually its looks like same of yheir function but web browser enable us to interact and display on World Wide Web while search engine enable us to search via a key word.. if im mestaken please correct me ok..

so to make it clear about web browser, i think this icon can help it.. am i right??? hhmmm..(-.-)

and this is a few type of search engine.. clear right about the different?? XD

in the other hand, web browser is already on our dekstop, after click on it, the search engine will appeare to enable us continue our searching.. this what im understand about it.. again if im mistaken forgive me ok..=) we also have been exposed about skills to know and search technique..ermmmm such as open file, save file, downloading and many more.. the search technique also must correct in order to obtain the desired searching.. i think that all for this time.. later on i will share more and more and more with u all guys.. end of the simple topics.. (^.^)V

this is a therapy while im doing this post.. really amazing..!! hope u all enjoy it.. =)

nak tulis mcm2 lagi....haha

stelah behempas pulas jari jemari menaip psl komunikasi dan da addict da nk da x bley nk berenti da..haishh..but utk suka suki je..saje nk memenuhkn blog aq yg empty banget nih..hahaha..nevamind~~ pape pon..akn ade lg knowledge yg akn aq share ngan kalian n hope u guys enjoy reading my blog k as im enjoy read yours..happy eva after..hahaha..XD

lets learn about telecommunication and network...

actually 1st week was just a briefing and introduction about telecommunication and networks. communication is an IMPORTANT thing in this world. as usual we have been introduce about a definition of communication which is the conveying or exchange of ideas and thought by a sign or sound. what im really understand about an effective communication is there a sender who give the message and receiver that give a responds to the sender about the message.
 just take a look at this picture.. its show that the most important element in communication is people who send and receive the message.. the other thing is data, hardware (the thing we used to deliver the message), software and procedure..what about the TELE?? this word indicates across a distance..people who want to comunicate with their family, friends or lover that far away from them, they use TELECOMUNICATION such as telephone to keep in touch.. so people, without communication, its hard for us to deliver whatever message to the other..appreciate what GOD have give to us...end of a simple topics...=)

     take a look at this video!! its interesting...enjoy it GUYS...!!!

this one you all must watch it.. funny but the message given is good for us.. so please communicate for your own sake..!! chill..!! =)

Saturday, 3 March 2012

lai..lai...mai baca...=)

blog ni di create khas tuk keje n cecite yg x mendatangkn kontroversi, kutuk-mengutuk bagai dan yg sme waktu dgnnye..x de kne mengena dgn yg idop ataupn yg da x idop kt dunia ni da pn jd dunia bru aq and tmpt nk share knowledge..bkn tuk gosipssssssss...ditekankn ye..BKN TUK GOSIIPPPPSSS....heheehe saje je nk bg gempak konon nye la..enjoy ur reading k..adios amigoss~~ (^.^)V